In recent years, the digital market has brought a revolution in the relationship between companies and customers, in the way we communicate and establish connections. A good management of Digital Marketing involves contemplating all the digital channels of a company with the objective of interacting with its public through relevant content that brings impact not only with posts, but with a differentiated appearance that can further strengthen its Image.

It is essential that, in a Communication planning, actions are contemplated that aim at the interaction of the brand with the user, and social networks facilitate this interface by providing a link of trust with the customer. For this, to know the personas of your niche market, carrying out research, studying competitors, become strategic tools to contribute to the creation of digital strategies. 

I’ve participated in the digital planning process of several companies, working together on content strategy, user interaction, creation of visual identity, among other actions related to the routine of social networks. In addition, I have personal channels on socialmedia, in which I share a little of my life and routine in the USA with weekly and exclusive content (@guimaraesprix).

Click on the images below and check out some of the work I've done for clients on social media.

Creation of visual identity, management of networks and elaboration of monthly content

Creation of visual identity and consultancy for posts

Creation of visual identity and consultancy for posts